
The Kidnapping of Michel Houellebecq

Film poster (domestic)


The Kidnapping of Michel Houellebecq is a film inspired by rumors. It tells the story of how author Michel Houellebecq (playing himself) is kidnapped by three men during a promotional tour. Inspired by gossip that occurred when Houellebecq was on an actual book tour for The Map and The Territory, fans had thought he had disappeared without a trace. It turns out he was vacationing in Spain with a faulty internet connection. The film premiered at the 2014 Berlin International Film Festival in the Forum section. 

Expanding on both the dramatic and comedic nature of this, I wanted the key art to be inspired by ransom notes. The collage aesthetic mixes with different textures to create a comic feeling, accented with the diagonal type. Below are some additional postcards.

Directed & Written by Guillaume Nicloux / france

Distributed by Kino Lorber

Client: Kino Lorber

Role: Art Direction, Design
